Stage 01

Getting to know you

  • We will contact your GP to get information about your health and past treatments. This is called ‘Patient Summary’. If you have had previous contact with mental health services, we would look at any reports and letters you may have available.
  • We will email you a number of questionnaires to be filled by you and by your ‘informants’ (parents, siblings, partner, childhood friends) who can tell us about your childhood experiences around ADHD symptoms. You will email the completed forms back to us.
  • These forms will include:
    • Barkley Adult ADHD rating scales (Childhood and Current)
    • Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HDAS)
    • Background information questionnaire
  • Primary school reports and teacher’s feedbacks are helpful to include in the assessment if available.
Stage 02

The assessment appointment

  • This takes up to 2 hours. We would review the information together along with exploring different aspects of your experiences. I may request to interview your informants if needed.
  • I will explain your diagnosis and we will together design a bespoke treatment plan for you.
Stage 03

Outcomes and follow-up

  • A detailed written summary of our discussion will be sent to you and a copy sent to your GP (with your consent).
  • We would arrange subsequent appointments and coaching sessions as needed.